I have forwarded this info to Ray Benney N6VR to alert all IOTA  to this rare opportunity. This should promote a world wide assured response to the station. An operating schedule and bands coverage at earliest notice would be very much appreciated.
-----Original Message-----
From: Bill Talanian <w1uuq@cox.net>
To: sbarc list <sbarc-list@lists.netlojix.com>
Sent: Fri, Jun 3, 2016 11:45 am
Subject: [Sbarc-list] NPOTA

To: Interested parties
The below group will be coming to Santa Barbara from Arkansas to participate in the 100 th year of the National Park Service. All during 2016 National Parks On The Air (NPOTA) will be celebrated by participants contacting as many stations as possible within the park boundaries. Santa Barbara has a unique grid square on one part of Santa Rosa Island, CM93. This rare grid operation is by special arrangement with the local NPS office. If you have an interest in participating with operations on Santa Rosa from CM94 at the pier then get in touch with me or Mike Wapner K6QD.
Note: The actual 100 th year date is August 25.
Bill Talanian

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: Re: Fwd: General Question
Date: Fri, 3 Jun 2016 09:28:42 -0500
From: David Swanson <dave@druidnetworks.com>
To: Bill Talanian <w1uuq@cox.net>
CC: K6QD <k6qd@cox.net>, Wyatt Dirks <wyattdirks@msn.com>, Brian Milburn <brian@k6bpm.com>, Al Soenke <ajsoenke@aol.com>

Bill et al, 

I've exchanged emails with Ian, and he has given us the go-ahead for our operation on Santa Rosa Island. We have to follow a few rules, but they're all things we can easily accommodate within our plans. I wanted to give you a special thanks for referring us to him, he was very understanding and immediately recognized what we were trying to do with the rare grid, and encouraged us to move forward with our plans.  In fact, he wants to know our final QSO count once we're done :)

So I guess at this point just let us know how much/how little the club would like to help out. Even something as simple as jumping on a repeater at some pre-arranged times to relay an email to our forums would be a tremendous benefit. 

Thanks again, 73!

-Dave, KG5CCI

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