Hello SBARC Members and Friends,
My landlord’s kids moved back home so I need to move out to make room (it was a great run while it lasted).  I have until 11/30 to get into a new place.
A room, duplex or house will work, but I need permission to put up a small tower and antennas.  Rent is quite flexible.
Of course, the location at antenna level must be line of site to the ATV Repeater on Gibraltar Road.  The area between Hwy 154 and Alamar (like San Roque/Samarkand) is preferred, but several other locations would work out well, too.
Let me know as soon as possible if you hear of something that might work for me.
Rod Fritz, WB9KMO
805-637-0985 any time between 7:30am and 11:00pm