Most everyone in SBARC has probably seen the daily WebCam pictures from
Diablo Peak on Santa Cruz Island. This program was initiated with the
UCSB Geography Department in conjunction with their on-going weather
studies in the central valley.
This wireless link from Santa Cruz Island to the mainland has now
attracted another task from the UCSB Physics Department. The
Interdisciplinary Oceanography Group (IOG) is affiliated with the
Institute for Computational Earth
System Science (ICESS) based at the
University of California
(UCSB). Amateur Radio operators may be interested in this
program as it involves HF in the 3-50 MHz band called HF Radar Coastal
Ocean Dynamic Application Radar (CODAR).
The participation by SBARC is now in its formative stages under Thorsten
von Eicken, of SBARC and Cyril Johnson of UCSB. For more information on
this exciting program use the following link: