Hello SBARC List Server subscribers,


I want to pass along my apology for missing the SBARC meeting tonight.  I’m fighting off a flu bug and felt it was appropriate to keep it to myself.  So…  I won’t be there to promote ATV or to record the meeting. L 


You are cordially invited to participate in ATVSIG, SBARC’s Amateur TV Special Interest Group.  This group is involved in almost every club activity and we need you on the team. 


If you check into the Tuesday 7:30 PM SBARC ATV Net, we can get you on Slow-Scan TV within a half-hour.  That’s all it takes and it opens a new horizon for you in ham radio.  ATV is even easier because you can start by watching it live on the Internet (www.atn-tv.org and wb9kmo.camstreams.com)


ATV beacons are on 24x7 with most live activity in the evenings.  Best times are:

·         Tuesday night at 7:30 PM (SBARC) and 8:00 PM (ATN)

·         Saturday morning at 10:00 AM (SBARC)

·         Sunday morning at 9:00 AM (ATN). 


When you visit the Club Station (in the Red Cross building  at 2707 State St.) ask for a demo of ATV receive and transmit.  At the touch of a switch, swap live video with hams over 100 miles away. 


Note that there are lots of ATV, SSTV, PSK31 and other specialized mode programs (for HF to microwaves) on the Windows computer. 


We’re looking for a few good hams to become experts and elmers in these areas.  We’ve got a lot going on and we’re constantly upgrading. 


Get on board.  Send me an email to tell me what you’re interested in at wb9kmo@sbarc.org.


We look forward to seeing you on ham radio real soon.

