Hello Everyone,

New member here. My name is Alan...KI6HPO. My QTH is in the northern part of San Diego County; I am about 10 miles SE of the Mt. Palomar Observatory. at the 2,200' elevation mark.

I don't often get a chance to listen to the "Swap Net" on Wednesday evenings, expertly orchestrated by our inimitable host for that evening, Dave, N6HWN.

However, I would like to take a moment to ask those who, like me, don't have much of a chance to listen, if they might have the above h/t[s] hanging around in an unused capacity?

I'd like to find one that was in better-than-average shape, with a battery that might still hold a charge. No broken rigs or mods gone awry, please!

If you have such an animal, please state condition, accessories [if any], batteries and capacity and any photos you'd care to send. Photos of the unit powered up would be most welcomed.

I will be attending the Hamfest this coming Saturday, so if you've got one bring it along and we can make a deal there and then.

Looking forward to meeting each one of you, to attach a face to the voice!

