Question for the group - I have a new Yaesu FTM-7250DR dual band mobile rig and I'm questioning whether what I'm about to describe is normal for a Yaesu.
The squelch level required to turn off the audio is very high but only on VHF freqs. Range is 0-15 and I need to set it to 9 for VHF freqs and only 1 for UHF. This is very different than my Kenwood TM-281A, and my Anytone 77UV, both of which squelch level 1 is sufficient. This is with the same antenna (Tram 1480 base antenna), coax (LMR400) and power supply (Astron 35A linear). I can swap them back and forth and only the Yaesu needs a high squelch.
I know I'm probably the only one with the 7250DR, but is this also seen on the 100, 300 and 400 radios?
Thanks for your input.