Hi folks. Our good friend Hubert Stamps, KC6NAH, who is heading up
our communications effort for Old Spanish Days Fiesta Parade, informs me that he
is still short 14 communicators for the parade. He is panicking! The
parade is just two days away (Friday).
This is something you can do! It's easy and fun. You just be at
a certain street intersection, on the corner, and essentially watch them go
by. If there is any significant problem like a need for a paramedic, a
veterinarian, a large gap in the parade or some other problem, use your 2-meter
HT and call Net Control. Also, Net Control might put out a call for
you. You will be assigned to a person giving of their time from the Old
Spanish Days committee and just be their communicator for them. That's
about it.
After your part is over (they all passed your position), you are invited to
attend the wonderful BBQ put on by the Elks Lodge and held at the Carriage House
in Pershing Park on Castillo Street.
Please phone Hubert at 687-5444 and say "Where do you want me and at what
time?" He will be thrilled to hear from you.
Viva La Fiesta!!
Darryl, KF6DI