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Today's Topics:

   1. SBARC Field Day 2008 (Tom Saunders)


Message: 1
Date: Sun, 29 Jun 2008 20:22:23 -0700
From: "Tom Saunders" <>
Subject: [Sbarc-list] SBARC Field Day 2008
To: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"




Thanks to everyone that made Field Day such a great success.  The
participation from the club on this year's Field Day was the higher than in
the previous eight years.  Both the setup and take-down were fairly easy
tasks.  The easy setup and operation made Field Day a truly fun event.  The
attendance at the Sunday BBQ was also higher than the previous eight years.
The food at the BBQ was great (I will publish my recipe for the potato salad
if anyone requests it).



Propagation was still down this year.  Radio conditions were about as bad as
last year.  The approximate score is :


                                    QSOs               Points

            CW QSOs         1164                 4656

            Phone QSOs     660                  1320

            VHF                    50                     100


Bonus Points


            Emergency Power                      200

            Media Publicity                          100

            Public Location                          100

            Info Booth                                  100

            NTS to SEC                              100

            W1AW Message                       100

            NTS Traffic                                100

            Satellite QSO                            100

            Natural Power                            100

            Site Visit by Served Agency        100

            Educational Activity                    100

            Youth Element                           80

            Web Submittal                           50


Total Bonus Points                              1330


Total Points                                        7406   (unofficial



Scores for previous years are:


2005                                  5832

2006                                  4380

2007                                  5488



Areas that we were not able to score in this year are :


            GOTA Station

            Digital Contacts

            Site Visit by Elected Official


The above areas need to be improved for next year.  

            We need a GOTA coordinator.

            Potential GOTA candidates will be solicited at local VE

            Digital capability will be added to the Rover.

            A separate Digital Mode station should be explored.

            We need a contact to an elected official so we get credit for
this activity next year.



With the same radio propagation conditions as last year we were still able
to get a 35 % increase over last year.  A higher score is good, but it is
also important that we participated in ARRL events that improved individual
knowledge and skills in key areas.  It is also important that we tested our
club equipment for potential emergency response.


Thanks to everyone that made this year's Field Day such a great success.


Mark your calendars for Field Day 2009 on June 27 - 28.


Comments and suggestions for improving Field Day are welcome.  Please reply
to this message.


See you next year.



'Please copy 2A Santa Barbara from K6TZ. QSL ?"



Tom Saunders     N6YX


Cell      805 452 0840




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SBARC-list mailing list

End of SBARC-list Digest, Vol 59, Issue 16

Thanks Tom!
