Greetings to all you great bakers of culinary delights!
Hamfest this year (in just a week and a day) will be having a bake sale, otherwise known as a dessert table.
Down in the Elks Picnic Grove, as we have done in many years past, we will have a table set up so that those, who would not even consider a meal complete until they have had dessert, can obtain exactly what their cravings demand. Of course they can eat it on the spot and ruin their wonderful lunch or save it for after the meal.
This is where you come in. Are you able to do some magic in your kitchen and then bring your fine work to the Hamfest and put it on the table for all to drool over? We would certainly appreciate it. And to all those who would rather simply go to their friendly bakery and obtain that tasty morsel, that's fine, too.
This little table turns out to be a nice little fund raiser for our club who can really use it right now to help support our repeater services building on La Vigia Hill which replaced our old, dilapidated building.
So, please bring your dessert to the dessert table and let Carmen Rouse, Harry's XYL, handle it from there.
Thank you for your good efforts in behalf of our club.
Darryl Widman, KF6DI
Exec. Vice President
PS. My favorite is cherry pie!

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