29 May 2012

To: SBARC List-server clients
From: Bill Talanian, Director, Trustee
Subject: New SBARC Repeater

New 2-Meter Repeater on La Cumbre Peak

A new 2-Meter Repeater has just been installed at La Cumbre Peak. It is operating on 147.705 output and 131.8 PL. SBARC-SBTAC will be testing the next generation APCO P25 technology which Public Safety is deploying nationwide. Our technology team will be playing an important part in the local Test & Evaluation (T&E) of this new standard for Public Safety. The system can handle both standard FM and P25 in wide-band mode. When the system is transmitting P25 there is no intelligibility to users listening on a standard FM comm radio. Just a squelch break and digital pulses. Users with P25 capability are requested to check with the technology team listed below for purposes of conducting tests and data collection.

Users are reminded that we are under test. All matters pertaining to over the air discussion about coordination or other open announcements should be curtailed. Please contact the Trustee or any of the test coordinators listed below for technical assistance.

P25 compatible user team: