SBARC Old Timers Night
Friday, May 20, 2011
by Darryl Widman, KF6DI
500-watt Spark-gap transmitter/receiver from the S.S. Carolina
Now, celebrating its 91st year of existence, the Santa Barbara Amateur Radio Club invites you to attend its annual Old Timers Night on Friday, May 20, at our usual meeting place -- the Goleta Union School District, 401 N. Fairview Ave, right across the street from the Goleta Library. The meeting begins at 7:30 pm but come earlier and have a good look around and see what our members have dug up from their cellars, their dungeons, their dingy abodes where they have been storing their precious treasures for all these past umpteen years. You do know that hams never throw anything away!
Let this be an invitation to you to bring along your oldest radio-related objects and set them out on the tables and let us enjoy what you have been hanging on to for all these many years. Let this get-together be the reason you have been keeping them -- so you could eventually show them off and get all that attention you have been seeking! See how many oohs and aahs you can collect.
What would be even better would be if you would put down on paper what these wonderful things are, how they were used, if you used them, where they came from and all that sort of thing. Bring radios, transmitters, receivers, transceivers, old photographs, bathtub capacitors for goodness sake.
There is virtually no limit to how many things you can bring. Just remember to take them home with you at the end of the evening. Someone might even want to relieve you of something you brought for, let's say, a handsome figure! But knowing the frugality of us hams, don't expect to retire just yet.
Traditionally, Old Timers Night gives us the opportunity to see and meet some of the oldest hams still around and ask them what it was like back in the 'Good Old Days.' We ask those present to stand and introduce themselves, give their callsigns, when they got their first license and what they like best about Amateur Radio. Guaranteed you will hear some fascinating stories. Perhaps you have one of your own. We would like to hear all about it. The longest licensed ham will, indeed, be recognized.
The year is a third gone, already. You still have time to renew your membership and participate in all that SBARC will be doing this year. Don't be left out. Much fun to come! Our membership chairman, Harry, K6PDQ, will be delighted to sign you up and shake your hand at our club meeting.
The club will bring coffee and soda. Please being something in the way of cookies, cake or fruit. All will appreciate that.
See you on the 20th!

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