SBARC General Club Meeting
Friday, January 19, 2018 at 7:30 PM
Goleta Union School District Board Room
400 North Fairview Avenue in Goleta
Amateur radio operators in Santa Barbara and Ventura Counties proved to be valuable assets in the Thomas Fire and now once again with the ongoing Montecito mudslide disaster. As a result of our members' efforts to keep our analog and digital communications systems up-to-date with relevant information about evacuations, firefighting efforts and recovery operations, the ARRL featured SBARC in an article in its weekly email newsletter last week.
Everyone on the air rose to the occasion, especially during the critical days of the Thomas Fire. Amatuer radio remains a critical lifeline for those now affected by the disaster in Montecito.
At our meeting on Friday, we will host a debriefing and discussion with our membership about what the Club did well and what we can improve upon for future emergency responses. Please join us on Friday to let us know your thoughts on the future of amateur emergency communications in Santa Barbara.
We hope to see you all at the meeting!