Greetings SBARC Members and Friends,

Tuesday 5/10 @ 8:30pm - Featured Tonight on the SBARC ATV Net: APRS and Telemetry to Track Balloons; Both will be on the air for you to receive and interpret


Thursday 5/12 @ 7:30pm – Featured on Construction Night: ATV Downconverters and Receivers; Some new and inexpensive ways to do this


Friday 5/19 through Sunday 5/21 – Live Video Streaming from the Dayton Hamvention: Balloon Launch, Ballooning Presentation, ATV Presentation, ATV Dinner and more…


Mid-June, Date To Be Determined – Natural History Museum/SBARC Balloon Launch: Assembly, Launch, Tracking and Recovery in your neighborhood; more details to come…


There’s a lot happening in Santa Barbara.  Be part of it.  Tune in and participate!


Rod Fritz, WB9KMO