Hello SBARC ATVSIG Members and Friends,


This week, we were given a welcome opportunity to move our ATV Repeater antennas back to the east tower.  This tower had a 10’ foot section added recently that we can take advantage of.


Mike Collis WA6SVT from Crestline has offered to help on Saturday, so this will be our major effort to make the changes.  We are currently planning to start up the hill at 9am on Saturday morning and would welcome your help.  If you want to join us, please email me at rod@sbatv.org in advance so I know who to expect.  We’ll make radio contact at 8:45 to coordinate our approach to the site on Gibraltar Road.


A few antennas will be focused on, but all of our antennas may be moved if time and manpower allow.


Activities will include…

·       Pull down antennas and prep for remounting

·       Install connectors on new feedline and tails

·       Mount Unistrut on the ceiling of the building to support the cables

·       Prepare a hole in the east wall to route the cables through

·       Route the cables from the equipment rack to the tower

·       Attach the cables to the east tower

·       Install antennas on the east tower

·       Connect feedline to the antennas

·       Install 5.8 GHz preamp

·       Optimize 5.8 GHz antenna

·       Verify proper operation

·       Cleanup and celebration!


Wish us success and help if you can,

Rod Fritz, WB9KMO