SBARC Club Meeting This Friday, September 16, 2011
Join us for our first club meeting since May. After we wrap up our summer vacations, it's always wonderful to rejoin our friends at our first meeting of the fall.
We have a wonderful presentation planned for you this month. Mr. Mark Caviezal, NG0X, will be joining us. Mark lives part-time in Denver and part-time in Ventura. Mark is a balloon expert and, at the last minute, actually helped Rod Fritz, WB9KMO, with his recent balloon launch. At that time Mark agreed to put on a balloon presentation for our club that would be very interesting and educational, if not entertaining.
At our meeting, Mark will be discussing the recent Santa Barbara flight. He will also give us a brief lecture on balloon platform/technology. He will discuss the capabilities and limitations of latex balloons, small and large zero pressure balloon flights and solar balloons. He will be bringing plenty of photos from flights he has done in the past, both amateur and professional. Time permitting, he will talk about his Strato-X project which is "Two People, Two Days, at 100,000 feet."
Does this sound like something you would like to miss? Didn't think so.
The Santa Barbara Amateur Radio Club holds its monthly meetings at the Goleta Union School District, 401 North Fairview Ave., right across the street from the Goleta Library. The doors open at around 6:45pm and the meeting begins at 7:30pm. Please bring those things you would like to place on the Free-to Good-Home Table and be sure to take home your share of all that wonderful 'junque.' Oh, and if you are able, we would really appreciate it if you could bring something nice to  put on the dessert table -- cookies, a cake, fruit, -- whatever.
Tell your friends. This is going to be a VERY interesting meeting.

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