SBARC Members,

We received a call Friday on the club’s voicemail from William.  He is in town as part of the firefighting effort.  He contacted us because he is having a couple issues with his VHF fire radios and was hoping we might be able to help him.  I offered to put out a call to SBARC membership via email to see if anyone would be able to help him and his crew to get two of their radios working again.

Issue #1: His Bendix King Digital P25 KNG-P150S VHF HT stopped working suddenly.  Changing battery packs does not bring it back.

Issue #2: His mobile VHF NMO antenna disappeared and he is looking to source one locally.  This is for public safety/commerical 148-174 MHz not amateur bands so an NMO antenna tuned for that upper range would be ideal but a 2m NMO ham antenna would probably work in a pinch.

I recommended to William that he come down to the Club Station on Saturday, so I expect he will be there sometime between 9-10am.  But if you might be able to help, email me back and let me know.

See photos attached for context.


Levi C. Maaia, K6LCM
Director at Large | Co-Chair, Telecommunications Services Committee
Santa Barbara Amateur Radio Club, Inc.