Santa Barbara Amateur Radio Club
2015 Annual Bazaar on Saturday, July 18
This is the event that many of us have been waiting for. The Bazaar is where we play a great game of Musical Garages and where Junque is King.
Everyone has a chance to finally clear out all that wonderful junque that has been piling up. Even with all of our good intentions, we just never got around to building it, repairing it, modifying it or getting rid of it. Here is our chance. This event is a once-a-year happening and it is going to take place on Saturday morning, July 18, in the parking lot of the Goleta Union School District, 401 N. Fairview Ave. in Goleta, which is directly across the street from the Goleta Library. This lot is just to the north of our Club's monthly meeting room.
Here is a link to a Google Map for you to easily find how to get there, from no matter where you live.,+Goleta,+CA+93117/@34.447583,-119.832172,15z/data=!4m2!3m1!1s0x80e940610a3393a7:0xff5958e5fd601f34
So, just what sort of junque can you expect to find at the Bazaar? How about nearly every kind of radio related thing you can think of -- things like antennas, tower parts or complete units, radios that work, radios that almost work or used to work, all sorts of parts to build things with such as electronic components, wire, coax, insulators, telephone equipment, repeater components, semiconductors, vacuum tubes, test equipment, computer related junque, software, printers, memory, books and magazines, hardware, surplus military equipment, power supplies, soldering irons, older amateur radios and on and on. We're even working on getting excess industrial parts and materials.
There is also a Red Tag table where you may bring along a piece of gear that you don't particularly want to just toss on the pile but would prefer to ask a price for. The rules are that you or someone you appoint must be near your goodie to sell it for you and remove it after the event or any time before. Also, you get to keep 90% of what it sells for and SBARC gets to keep 10% of it. Hey, that's a pretty good deal.
The Bazaar runs from 8:00 am to 11:30 am. Be advised that the earliest bird gets the longest worm. So here is your chance to keep the little woman happy. Either she will be delighted that you have finally decided to clean out all that wonderful junque or she will be dancing up and down when she sees that trinket you have brought home with you! Oh yeah, sure.
Bring all your friends. The Club needs the money. Speaking of which, we will have several of our favorite people acting as salesmen and you can make such a deal with them. Go ahead, insult them with a ridiculous offer. They'll bargain with you. Bring lots of green or checks. We're not set up to take plastic at the Bazaar.
It's probably going to be a hot morning so we will also have ice cold drinks and donuts for sale. And another thing, don't be shy about taking home a whole bunch of junque. What you don't use you can always bring back to next year's Bazaar. That just enhances the Musical Garages idea.
Now, don't tell anyone, but at some point in time that morning, if you listen carefully, you can hear announced that everything that has a price marked on it is just half price! It gets crazy. But wait there's more -- as the clock approaches a certain hour, you can hear announced that everything is FREE! Of course these price reductions do not pertain to anything on the Red Tag table or the refreshments. If you wait for the price reductions, someone will probably buy what you want. You've been warned.
I plan on getting all the good junque so if you really are thinking of taking home something special, better get there really early. In the beginning of the event, you can look it all over and keep in mind what you can't live without. Then when the bell rings, run over to it and grab it and take it to one of our salesmen. They'll be obvious there. Another thing, after you pay for your item and get your receipt, take it over to your vehicle and lock it up in there and come back and shop some more. It's a terrible thing when something you paid for is then bought again by someone else and taken home!
Do you have a table that you can put your junque on? Please get there early in the morning between 6:00 AM and 7:30 AM and set up your table, ask for help to unload your junque and let's bring it in. The entrance to this parking lot is just after you pull into the main parking lot entrance off of Fairview Ave. and then make a quick right turn onto the short driveway which leads to our area. Follow the signs. After you unload your junque, please park your vehicle in the large parking lot and make room for others to unload their junque. Oh, if you have one, bring along a hand truck so you won't have to lift heavy things. Put your name on it.
See you all on Saturday morning, July 18. Put it on your calendar now! Start saving your spending money and gather up all your junque so you won't have to do it at the last minute!
73, Darryl Widman, KF6DI
2015 SBARC Bazaar Chairman 805-969-2326