QRP Dinner this Friday before the SBARC meeting
Come to the club meeting at
7:30 PM Friday, April 17
The QRP Special Interest Group (SIG) will be going to dinner together, as we always do, this Friday night before the March SBARC club meeting.  Come and join us.  We always have a very nice time, talk QRP and down some of the best Italian food in Goleta. 
We go to Presto Pasta, which is at 5764 Calle Real.  We start showing up there at 5:30 PM.  We hams wait until all have arrived before starting to eat. Yeah right!

After dinner, we will drive up to Fairview Ave., turn right and go less than 0.25 mile to the Goleta Union School District, 401 No. Fairview Ave., which is right across the street from the Goleta Library.

At our April meeting, SBARC will continue holding its giant Membership sign-up. Meet our Treasurer, Cindy, KA7UIA. She will be delighted to sign you up for another year of membership in the best Amateur Radio club in California.

The program for this meeting will be the one that was cancelled at the last minute in March but with two additional speakers!
Sergeant Tom Walton, head of emergency preparedness for the SB County Sheriff's Department recently attended the Orfalea Foundation conference with our club president, Michael Ditmore, W7HUT, and kindly offered to speak at one of our meetings. Michael asked if he could do it this Friday and he enthusiastically said yes.
Also speaking will be Mitch Evans, County Communications Manager and Will Tefft, KG6DHK, SBARC's VP of Emergency Services.

The subject of these presentations will be emergency preparedness and the value of Amateur Radio support in emergencies.
Don't forget to bring your quality junque to deposit on the "free-to-good-home" table as well as take home your share of what others have deposited thereon. 

Please renew your dues for 2009.  It's still just $24.  Please bring along some cookies or whatever your favorite might be for the coffee table. Don't forget to get your share of tickets to win the door prizes. I'm getting my share!

See you this Friday.

72, Darryl, KF6DI

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