Hi everyone,

Father Ted, K6LEY, is the trustee of the ARRL-affiliated student radio club KN6GLA in Downtown Los Angeles. He contacted me recently to see if SBARC members might help him demonstrate the power of amateur radio for his young hams while they are out on the water! 

He is taking a group of high schoolers from the group out to Santa Cruz Island in November and he’d like to make contact with as many stations as possible through the SBARC linked 2m repeaters (.79, 5.18 and Diablo) while they are maritime mobile-ing on the Channel.

Please mark your calendars and be on the air to listen for K6LEY early on Saturday morning, November 20. They leave by boat early and expect to arrive at the island by 10 AM. So start listening out around 8 AM for them.

This is a great opportunity to make a positive impression with young hams and prospective hams without even leaving your shack!


Levi C. Maaia, K6LCM
Director at Large | K6TZ Trustee

Santa Barbara Amateur Radio Club
Santa Barbara Wireless Foundation
a 501(c)(3) nonprofit public benefit corporation

www.levimaaia.com | www.k6lcm.com