SBARC Members,


Just a final reminder that this weekend is Field Day.   The location is in Goleta, just north of the Stow House at Los Carneros and Covington Way


Everyone is invited to Field Day.  You are welcome to come by and observe the fun.  Setup will begin Friday afternoon at 1 PM.  This year we will not set up any heavy towers.  We will use both of the club’s communication vehicles for Field Day stations.  Most of Friday afternoon will be spent making casual contacts on HF.  If you or a friend is interested in making an HF contact, we will have licensed control operators ready to assist.


Field Day will start at 11 AM Saturday morning and run to 11 AM Sunday.  Since the location is very visible to the public, I hope that we can get lots of members to answer questions and assist our membership chair, Ingrid Steele.


Please note that the time for the Sunday BBQ has changed to Sunday Noon.  The location is the George Adams Picnic Grove located south of the Goleta Depot.  All SBARC members and guests are invited.  The club will provide drinks and burgers.  Please bring a salad or dessert to share.


The tentative operator schedule is below.  Please let me know if there are any corrections to this list.  We still have a few openings that we need to fill.





Tom      N6YX








Station 1 (CW / Phone)  Communication Van



11-1   Open

1-3     Open

3-11    Steve Long  AC6T


Saturday Night / Sunday Morning

11-7   Jug   WA6MBZ

7-9    Open

9–11  Steve Long AC6T



Station 2 (Phone)  Rover



11-1 Tom Saunders  N6YX

1- 3  Darryl Widman KF6DI

3-7   Dennis Schwendtner WB6OBB / Marvin Johnston KE6HTS

7-11  Paul Ryack W1PR / Kip Omweg K1KIP


Saturday Night / Sunday Morning

11-7  Chuck Gould WB6KDH

7-9    Open

9– 11 Tom Saunders N6YX