Sad news:

Ernie Stockero, W6SB, passed away early Thursday morning.

You probably never ran across Ernie unless you operated extremely high speed CW on the low end of 40 meters.  He moved here from Milwaukee with the influx of Delco employees in the early 1970's.  He really loved his original call....W9HI.....but he had to trade it in for a W6 callsign after moving here.

The FCC assigned him the call K6BS...which I thought was a very desireable callsign, but Ernie didn't see the humor in being K-6-Brown-Sugar (Hi).  So he traded it in and ended up with W6SB......which is a great call for a Santa Barbara resident.  Illness curtailed Ernie's ham radio operations several years ago........

Ernie is survived by his wife Shirley and 5 sons.  I believe that services are scheduled for Saturday at St. Raphael's Catholic Church.

Rest In Peace Ernie

Bill Gross  W6FF