

The “ATV Movie of the Week” will premier each Tuesday night at 8pm on the WB9KMO ATV Repeater (1277.25 MHz).


It will also stream on one or more streaming sites continuously in a loop until a new movie is presented on the next Tuesday.


The current movie is available now on  Your computer needs to be able to play Windows Media files (most can).  Currently, the first three stations that connect can see the video.  If you can’t see it, please try again later.  Over time, depending on interest, we’ll expand the bandwidth to allow more users at once.


This week’s ATV Movie of the Week is…


Hang Gliding with Amateur Radio by Greg Brown KG6TVN and Zac Majors - Three 20-minute segments of our March 2010 SBARC Meeting presentation.


To donate a ham video, send an email with your callsign to



Rod Fritz, WB9KMO


P.S.  The next movie, Springtime on Anacapa Island, will premier at 8pm on April 13.  Best viewing is on the ATV Repeater, but you can also see it on  donate a ham video, send an email with your callsign to