SBARC Members,
This Monday, January 24, there will be a meeting of the SBARC Education Committee.  It will be held at the Club Red Cross Station at 7:00 PM.  The topic is developing the Education and Training Plan for 2005.  All SBARC members and guests are welcome to attend this meeting.  If you are not able to attend this meeting but have ideas or suggestions, please forward them to me and we will discuss them.
Also, this Wednesday, January 26, we will start an Extra class.  If you are General or Advanced and want to upgrade to Extra, you should attend this class.  It will be held at County Health Services, 300 North San Antonio at 7:00 PM.  The class will be taught by Jay Hennigan and Tom Saunders.  The class will be five Wednesday evenings.  Please email to enroll in this class.
Tom    N6YX