Friday is meeting night!  Al

-----Original Message-----
From: Darryl Widman <>
To: jdkoontz <>; kosko <>; kuhnsden <>; meteor <>; dancingextra <>; dlamb <>; delarson <>; Everett Lee <>; Pat Lennon <>; Ed Leska <>; Bob Levinson <>; cmahoney001 <>; lord.magic01 <>; Dave Milton K6HWN <>; rjm6am53 <>; wa6ajc <>; Ken Owen <>; Robert Pizzi AC6PZ <>; Nena Quiros <>; rrailey <>; nancyr <>; no6o <>; jgroberts <>; Harry Rouse <>; ruizvideo <>; lmruzicka <>; Paul Ryack <>; ka6uhp <>; elenosandoval <>; Tom Saunders <>; Lorraine Saunders <>; leescharfeld <>; af6eu <>; linda <>; Andrew Seybold <>; benshort <>; Al Soenke <>; ejsoenke <>; gails <>; royce <>; Ingrid Steele <>; apstevens44 <>; straits <>; shawtakeuchi <>
Sent: Mon, Feb 14, 2011 10:33 pm
Subject: SBARC Club Meeting This Friday

  Santa Barbara Amateur Radio Club
                              Celebrating 90 years of service to the hams in the Santa Barbara area
Come to our February 18 SBARC club meeting for an evening of fun and enlightenment
We are going to have a fascinating meeting presentation!  Our guest speaker will be Scott Miller, N1VG, from Santa Maria. He owns his own business called Argent Data Systems. Starting from stratch with a few good ideas in his head, he designed his featured products into his product line which include APRS (Automatic Position Reporting Systems) equipment such as his OpenTracker+ and Tracker2 series APRS devices for real-time vehicle tracking, weather monitoring, and remote telemetry, as well as the ADS-SR1 Simplex Repeater. Scott has shipped his products to over 70 countries in the world and to all continents. He also stocks a variety of other products for Amateur Radio operators and electronic hobbyists. Scott will be bringing many of his products with him to our meeting. You won't want to miss this evening of Amateur Radio excitement!
General Meeting Information
This being the second meeting of the New Year, this is a terrific time to join the Santa Barbara Amateur Radio Club and get the benefits of membership for the entire year. We have some wonderful things planned for the club this year. You don't want to miss any of them. If you haven't already done so, please bring your dues of $24 for a full year of membership. Our Membership Chairman, Harry Rouse, K6PDQ, will give you your new membership card and welcome you into our club. This year's programs include some wonderful meeting presentations, activities, tours and trips. Don't miss any!
The Santa Barbara Amateur Radio Club holds its General Meetings on the third Friday of the month (except for the months of June, July, August, and December) at the Goleta Union School Dist. Admin. Center Board Room. It is located directly across the street from the Goleta Library at 401 N. Fairview Ave.
The meeting starts at 7:30 pm, but come early for the "Free-to-Good-Home Table," SBARC Bookstore and socializing. If you are able, please bring something to put on the refreshment table as well as the "Free-to-Good-Home Table."
A few of our past favorites have ranged from DXing with the Pope, Gordon West and JPL Demonstration to AT&T Triunfo Pass Earth Station tour, Old Timers' Night and Come Fly With Us! (hang gliding and Amateur Radio).

$65/Hr Job - 25 Openings
Part-Time job ($20-$65/hr). Requirements: Home Internet Access