Greetings from SBARC ATVSIG,


ATV Movie of the Week


The ATV Movie of the Week this week will be SBARC on the Channel Islands! 


Ken Owen N6KTH presents the influence of Amateur Radio on communication in the Channel Islands near Santa Barbara, CA.  Recorded by Rod Fritz WB9KMO at the Santa Barbara Hamfest on August 14, 2010.


It will be transmitted Tuesday (today) at 8:00pm Pacific Time on the WB9KMO-ATN ATV Repeater and it will be streamed at that time on > ATV Repeaters > WB9KMO-ATN.  


Unfortunately, there may be signal strength issues because I’m in the process of moving my QTH.  If that’s a problem, please download or view on-demand as follows… 


Browse to > Film Archives for download or on-demand viewing.  The two 25-minute files have already been uploaded. 


“We look forward to seeing you on Amateur Radio”


Rod Fritz, WB9KMO

SBARC ATVSIG Committee Chair


P.S.  The SBARC ATV Net begins at 8:30pm tonight, following the movie.  Please check-in on ATV or on 146.19/79 in Santa Barbara.  You can also watch the action on (same as the movie).  We welcome chat messages and will try to respond in a reasonable timeframe during the net.