
Now that I'm past the 70 year old mark my XYL doesn't want me climbing my tower.....and I agree with her......

I have a HDBX-48 foot tower, with a Hy-Gain TH5 mounted 1 foot above the top.  It seems that the coax has broken the retaining strap (or tape) and is pulling on the balun coil to the point that I believe the coax shield has separated from the coax fitting.

Therefore need someone to climb up with a new piece of coax, replace the existing piece, and put a small loop in the coax so that it doesn't pull loose again as the antenna is rotated......

The only person I am aware of that does antenna/tower work is Skip, KJ6Y, in Thousand Oaks......I will contact him, if all else fails, and have him drive up.....and while he is up there he can install my new rotator so I can tell which direction the antenna is pointing.

Tnx in advance for any suggestions, and 73's

Bill W6FF