

I saw this ad and know the seller who you can work with reliably.


This is the recommended ATV antenna model to use to receive the Santa Barbara ATV Repeater on 1277.25 MHz.  Bil (yes, only one “l”) may sell this quickly in the Phoenix area, but if you want the antenna, you can probably talk him into shipping it to you.


Don’t worry about the loops being bent.  They are easy to reshape and the shape isn’t as important as the length and spacing anyway.  This ought to work well for you if you decide to buy it.


Happy Holidays,



From: Ham-ATV@yahoogroups.com [mailto:Ham-ATV@yahoogroups.com]
Sent: Saturday, December 18, 2010 2:04 AM
To: Ham-ATV@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Ham-ATV] Digest Number 940


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Used 1.2 GHz loop yagi for sale

Posted by: "ars_k1atv" wmunsil@cox.net   ars_k1atv

Fri Dec 17, 2010 10:53 pm (PST)

I have a used 2324-LYRM 1.2 GHz Directive Systems loop yagi for sale.

It's 6 feet long, has 24 elements and has a 17 dBi gain.

Brand new it sold for $125.00.

Due to years of being a perch for birds the loops are horribly misshapen but none of them is broken and it still works fine.

It originally came from Ft Collins, CO where it was used to relay the Denver ATV repeater into Ft Collins.

For shipping to me the boom was divided into two 3-foot sections.

Pick it up here at my house in East Mesa for $50 - or best reasonable offer.

Bil Munsil
Mesa AZ
wmunsil "at" cox.net

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