More info on my new FTM-7250DR.  Before I left from work on Weds, and before starting the truck, I compared the squelch settings on the Yaesu across its receive bands (it has a wide frequency receiver).  Only the VHF ham band needed substantially more squelch than the other bands (you'll see this in the video).  Next I tried my Kenwood TM-281 VHF only radio - it was happy with just 1 click of squelch.

I had sent a note to Yaesu tech support asking 'is this normal' and they got back to me today with "No, doesn't sound like it.  Send it in".  I then sent the video and asked "after watching this, are you still sure it's not working right?"  Their reply was "thanks for the video, it helped.  Sensitivity sounds good but indeed your squelch could be helped with a re-alignment.  Go ahead and send it in."

Tomorrow I'm getting together with Denney (VCARC president) as he has the same radio and we're going to compare mine to his, but regardless I'm going to go ahead and send it in hoping they can make it behave like I think it should.

Here's the demo video.
