November 24, 2010
Ladies and Gentlemen,
The Santa Barbara Amateur Radio Club finds itself in need of a cameraman (or woman). Our good friend, Bill Hepp, K6TZP, has served our club well for the past several years taking nice pictures of us either posed or candidly and we have seen them in Key-Klix and wondered how they got in there! He finds that he would like to move on now and do other things for awhile.
That leaves a very fun position open for someone who loves to click photos whenever the mood strikes. Do you find yourself toting your nice digital camera around with you almost everywhere you go knowing that the perfect shot will be out there just waiting for you to take? We're not especially looking for a professional photographer. We're looking for someone who loves snapping pictures because the  particular subject simply needs to be snapped either for now or for posterity.
Perhaps you have had a feeling that you are quite good at your camera skills but no one has 'discovered' you yet. Let this be your official invitation to give us a bit of your time at our club functions or those that our club serves, usually with communication services, and let us make you famous. You could be the eyes of those who missed an event or didn't catch all those wonderful scenes that one with a camera sees. You would always get full credit for your wonderful work (play) in Key-Klix and in other documents we print out.
So what are you waiting for? Simply give me a call at 805-969-2326 and let me know that you are interested. Easy.
Thank you and 73,
Darryl Widman, KF6DI
Exec. Vice President
Santa Barbara Amateur Radio Club

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