for the March 18 SBARC Club Meeting
Dick Norton, N6AA, is serving us as the Director of the Southwestern Division of the ARRL, the American Radio Relay League.
As a member of the CQ Contesting Hall of Fame, Dick Norton is recognized as one of the world’s top operators. Included in his many contesting achievements is the fact that he has been number one in the world in the CQ Worldwide DX Contest, the world series of radio contesting, more times than anyone else.
Many DXers strive to contact stations in the world’s 40 zones. Dick Norton has actually operated the CQ World Wide DX Contest from each of the 40 zones, an odyssey that has resulted in an understanding of Amateur Radio worldwide. He has been a judge or participant in all of the World Radio Team Competitions. He understands that Amateur Radio issues may originate in, or impact, any country in the world.
While supporting cost-effective approaches to fighting the Broadband over Power Line threat at the national level, he has spearheaded Amateur Radio's technical interface to BPL activities in the ARRL Southwestern Division. Dick is an electrical engineer with an advanced degree and is able to tackle complex technical issues and integrate them within a dynamic environment of technology and politics.
Since earning his Novice class license years ago, Dick has constructed transmitters, receivers, and other equipment and services most of his own equipment. Today, he maintains a reasonably large station with an antenna 120 feet up on a tower that he still climbs.
Dick is at home with tackling challenging technical issues with the ARRL or on his own workbench.
View the video of the DXpedition to the little country of Qatar just north of Saudi Arabia where Dick answered calls coming from around the world.
Come to our March 18 SBARC club meeting and meet this fascinating gentleman. You will be inspired.