And Calli and Calli’s Mom!
On January 11, 2023 at 16:05:41, Levi C. Maaia, K6LCM ( wrote:
Brian, Wayne, Bill and I spent the day at the Talanian Communications Facility on the Mesa today making forward progress on recovery of the network there. We managed to run new cabling to install the Santa Ynez Peak link dish in a more permanent location. Additionally, Brian made some progress with network configurations to allow more services to make use of the temporary Starlink internet connection.
Long story short: Allstar has partially recovered but because of the way Starlink works (i.e. it does not assign public IP addresses to its users) we aren’t able to accept incoming node connections via Allstar.
Users wishing to access the SBARC Hub may continue to connect to my node 42437 which is linked in VoIP conference with the SBARC Hub and the 146.79 and 145.18 repeaters. The 446.400 dedicated Allstar repeater at the site is also linked as part of this temporary solution.
Assuming that parts arrive on time later this week, we expect to have internet access via microwave restored to the site soon.
Levi C. Maaia, K6LCM
Director at Large | K6TZ Trustee
Santa Barbara Amateur Radio Club
Santa Barbara Wireless Foundation
a 501(c)(3) nonprofit public benefit corporation |