
The recent email outreach for grounds maintenance assistance at the Mesa site did not mature. Regrettably only one candidate offered assistance but felt he did not wish to head up a team for on-going maintenance. Lacking a volunteer initiative we have a couple of other alternatives. Either pay someone within the amateur group to head up the grounds maintenance or use outside contract services. This past year the Club paid $200 to an outside gardener with truck & crew for a one time yard clean up. Typically the yard requires 3-4 clean up periods a year depending on rain etc.. Without volunteers the Board may have to consider funding the yard maintenance. Meanwhile the hunt for a volunteer team will continue.

Presently the major portion of the hill top grounds maintenance is covered by an outside contractor who is paid by the City Water Department. This service is not contracted to cover the fenced in portion used by the Public Works Department which surrounds the City radio building, AT&T, and SBARC. The Club is hosted at the Mesa site by the City at no cost. Prime power is paid for by AT&T who also fuel and maintain the standby diesel generator at no cost to SBARC.