Today I drove into work with the radio sitting on the seat of my truck and a mag mount dual band on the roof. Once at work, 50 miles away, VHF is as quiet as UHF. I can use a squelch setting of 1-2. However, in between on the drive in, even with the squelch set at 10, it would occasionally open as I went by industrial buildings on the freeway. There's no 'interference noise' in the audio though - just white noise, so I don't know why it's opening squelch.

This radio isn't SDR based, so I wouldn't think out of band energy would affect its receive. And at the house, hitting the band switch, all the other receive bands allowed are quiet squelch wise except for the 2M ham band.  


On Tue, Nov 3, 2020 at 10:23 PM Levi C. Maaia, K6LCM <> wrote:
Sorry, I missed those details on your initial.  Strange. That is not an issue on my FTM-400 or any of my other Yaesu radios.  Hopefully someone with a 7250DR will weigh in.


Levi C. Maaia, K6LCM

On November 3, 2020 at 21:45:03, Dave Schmidt ( wrote:

I confirmed it with 2 different rigs.  The noise from the Yaesu is just that - noise.  Like I turned squelch off.  I don't hear anything intelligible.  Just weird that it needs such a high squelch level compared to all my other radios.  Until I plugged this in, I've never had a problem with any radio I've used - including HT's 


On Tue, Nov 3, 2020 at 9:40 PM Levi C. Maaia, K6LCM <> wrote:
Is it possible there is a local source of VHF interference?  Can you confirm by connecting a different rig to the same antenna and power supply in the same location?


Levi C. Maaia, K6LCM

On November 3, 2020 at 21:35:58, Dave Schmidt via SBARC-list ( wrote:

Question for the group - I have a new Yaesu FTM-7250DR dual band mobile rig and I'm questioning whether what I'm about to describe is normal for a Yaesu. 

The squelch level required to turn off the audio is very high but only on VHF freqs. Range is 0-15 and I need to set it to 9 for VHF freqs and only 1 for UHF.  This is very different than my Kenwood TM-281A, and my Anytone 77UV, both of which squelch level 1 is sufficient.  This is with the same antenna (Tram 1480 base antenna), coax (LMR400) and power supply (Astron 35A linear). I can swap them back and forth and only the Yaesu needs a high squelch.

I know I'm probably the only one with the 7250DR, but is this also seen on the 100, 300 and 400 radios?

Thanks for your input.


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