QRP Dinner this Friday before the SBARC meeting
Come to the meeting at
7:30 PM Friday, November 21

Guess what!

The QRP Special Interest Group (SIG) will be going to dinner together this Friday night before the November SBARC club meeting.  Come and join us.  We always have a very nice time, talk QRP, and down some of the best Italian food in Goleta. 
We go to Presto Pasta, which is at 5764 Calle Real.  We start showing up there at 5:30 PM.  We hams wait until all have arrived before starting to eat, just like one pig waits for another! 
After dinner, we will drive over to Fairview Ave., turn right and go less than 0.25 mile to the Goleta Union School District facility, which is right across the street from the Goleta Library. That is where we hold our monthly club meetings.
This being the last SBARC club meeting of the year, we will be having our election of officers and directors for the new year. You may nominate someone from the floor, with their permission, or even yourself if you would like to serve the club next year.
Then the excitement begins. Every Special Interest Group (SIG) will be bringing their favorite "stuff" to show off. Hopefully they will get you interested in their favorite activity within Amateur Radio. Spend some time looking over the gear, asking questions and meeting those who think that their SIG is the best of all of them. Having a favorite activity within the world's most exciting hobby has to just knock your socks off!
Whether your interest is DX chasing, Amateur Television (ATV), Transmitter Hunting, communicating through Amateur Satellites, PSK-31, Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES), Antenna Construction, Automatic Position Reporting Systems (APRS), Weak Signal Communications (QRP), Microwave Mountain-Topping, or any other part of our great hobby that you just can't get enough of, bring over an example of it or an entire system and put it on display for the rest of us to look at and try to understand what it is all about.  Grab a table in the room and use all of it or part of it to display your gear. Come early. Stay late. You will not want to miss this! Bring a guest with you. Is there a potential ham in your world?
Don't forget to make a little write-up about your equipment and place it near your things and don't forget to put your name and callsign on it as well.  Tell about whether it is commercially made or you designed/built it, how old it is, where you have used it, what you have accomplished with it, etc.
And don't forget to bring your quality junque to deposit on the "free-to-good-home" table as well as take home your share of what others have deposited thereon.

Consider renewing your dues for next year. This will be the last meeting of this year and would be a good time to get ready for 2009. You can bring your membership application along if you haven't already sent it in. You can download one from our SBARC website.
Be sure to get your share of raffle tickets for the drawing and, if you get a chance, please bring along some refreshments to put alongside the coffee pot.

See you Friday.

Darryl Widman, KF6DI

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