For those interested, there is a new frequency plan for Thomas Fire firefighting operations. See attached. Thanks to Ben, AI6YR for this information.  

From Ben:

The first page is for AIR OPERATIONS, which is now split between Ventura and Santa Barbara.
Air Attack operations ordering is now on 154.415
Air/Gound is 154.405 – this is the comms between ground units and ai.
Page 2 is the *VENTURA* zone only – does not include SB.
Page 3 is the *SANTA BARBARA* zone.
Command is on 167.100, 169.5375, 170.6875, 163.1500, and 167.1500 – all linked repeaters
Tactical channels (need to look at division map, but each one is in a different part of SB/Montecito/Carp) below. You can hear the firefighters talking to one another on very specific streets and what piece of the fire they are working on.
Air to Ground is 159.4050 and 159.225 – air support (will hear, for example “please air drop on XYZ street”)


Levi C. Maaia, K6LCM