Reminder that Winter Field Day 2023 is happening right now!

Reminder to everyone that Winter Field Day 2023 is happening right now!
See prior message for rules.  Perfect for those that want to try out your HF rigs and see how far you can reach.  Note that 10M can be used by Technicians! 28.000 to 28.300 is CW, and 28.300 to 28.500 is for voice.

Give it a try and let us know how you did!


On Tue, Jan 24, 2023 at 8:53 PM Dave Schmidt <> wrote:
Winter Field Day 2023 is this weekend!  Details here:
and the rules

Highlights from the website above:  Please don't take below as the ONLY rules - please go and read them yourself.

Dave AI6VX

Eligibility: All licensed amateur radio operators are encouraged to participate. Radio operators in the United States and Canada will use the designated location identifiers set up by the ARRL and RAC field organizations. Operators in Mexico will use MX as their location identifier, and all other operators outside of North America will use DX as the location identifier. All participants are encouraged to submit a log of stations worked.

Objective: To set up an amateur radio field station and successfully make multiple contacts. Successful participants are those who can set up their equipment and correctly log the designated exchange during the operational period explained below.

Operational Period: Winter Field Day is always held the last full weekend in January. For 2023, it will be held on January 28th and 29th. The 24-hour operational period starts at 1900 UTC on Saturday, the 28th and ends at 18:59 UTC on Sunday, the 29th. Stations may begin setting up no earlier than 19:00 UTC on Friday before. However cumulative set-up time shall not exceed 12 hours.

Bands: All Amateur bands except 12, 17, 30, and 60 meters. To qualify as a band worked, at least 1 valid, two-way QSO must have taken place on the said band during the contest.

Modes: CW, Phone (includes SSB, AM, FM, DMR, C4FM, etc. If the end result is voice, it's Phone), and Digital (includes PSK, RTTY, Olivia, Packet, SSTV, ATV, JS8Call and other soundcard modes. If the end result is text or a picture, it's digital).

QSO Points: Phone contacts count as one point each, and all CW & Digital modes count as 2 points each. Busted exchanges will be penalized by one additional point for each missed exchange or call sign. Duplicate contacts (same call, band, and mode) will not be counted nor penalized.