SBARC Members,


I want to thank everyone that participated in the SBARC Field Day that was held June 25 and 26 at Elings Park.


Our goal for this year was just to have fun.  We met our goal, had lots of fun, and even got a decent score.



The score that I filed with ARRL is:



            CW          Phone


80 Meters   77          93


40 Meters   321         21


20 Meters   501         407


15 Meters   9           254


Total QSOs  908         775



Bonus Points      650


Total Score       5,832 Points




We even set a record this year with Take-Down.  Everything was taken down and put away in less than 2 and one-half hours.  We spent Sunday afternoon with a great potluck BBQ at a nearby park.  Thanks to Marvin for a “20 over S9” BBQ!


If you missed Field Day this year, there are still lots of other club activities.  Other activities this summer/fall are :


Introduction to Ham Radio and SBARC Multi-Media Project


SBARC Rover Vehicle


Rover Expeditions


Contest Operation (California QSO Party October 1 & 2).



Also, Hamfest is Saturday, August 13.







Tom, N6YX